Biyernes, Oktubre 10, 2014

Week 18(September 29-October 3) Finalize your BLOGS!!!


"Ayos yo la ra tay blogs yo umpyano nasumpala ti la" -Mr. Peralta's famous line :) hahaha

Only means that we should finalize our blogs this week before the Second periodical exams day! Woooo. This will be a "Puyat Night Mode" again. Goodluck buddies!

-image(GIF) from google

Babayooooo! :xx
-B H A L D O O O

Week 17 (September 22 - September 26) Continuation...


As we entered the room, we were astonished by situation of the room!

It was so muddy! Full of dried leaves inside the classroom. And to be one of the few(five) boys on the room, I was told to fetch some water. And to be lucky, the line was quite long since it's not only our room which was flooded.



Ahaaaaah! This is the continuation of  "last last"  week's lesson about JavaScript Operators. 

For this week everything went well, me and my other classmates were busy this week for the preparation for a Math Contest which will be held in Doyong, so we had less time to encode. And yeah, I'm cool with the start of the lesson. Hopefully I can still manage to understand the lesson up to its end...

-image from google

Good day!
-B H A L D O O O

Week 16 (September 16 - September 20): Go with the flow.

Sorry for the long time without updates!

It was very devastating. Watching the news showing the situations of some of our country men. The typhoon resulted to class suspension for one week. And yeah! We had no classes for the entire week. It's like a holiday. But I'm sure they're going to cancel our Sem-break!

Well since we had no class, I have nothing to share, sorry guys!

How about you? What made you busy the entire week? Feel free to comment :)

-image from IV-Einstein(Official Page)

Bye bye :)
-B H A L D O O O

Week 15 (September 9 - September 13): OPERATORS!

I didn't post any updates last week so here it goes...

So let's illustrates what are the types of operators in JavaScript. In JavaScript, there are three types of operators.

1. The Arithmetic Operators

2. The Relational Operators

3. The Logical Operators


We're almost done with JavaScript operators. Hooooray! Thank you Lord! I'll guess that's all I can share today...

Goodnight and Stay Tuned! Hahaha;D

-printscreen on our activities
-image from google

- B H A L D O O O

Week 14 (September 2 - September 6): Continuity of the flow


We are still studying about flowcharts,I update frequently. I had nothing to add since the lesson is just the same.

But dont worry guys. I will update something informative as long as we learn something new. For the meantime let us talk about the thing you are doing.

This is another picture of what we are doing. Actually this is a quiz which I got a low score (let's say no score, just because I miss two curly braces.) So, it does not function very well. Ugh -.-

What's up by the way!

Thanks for dropping by. Feel free to comment! :)

-printscreen on our activities

- B H A L D O O O

Week 13 (August 25-August 29): Flowchaaaaarts!


A lot of activities were done.  Mr. Peralta give a lot of exercises to understand more our lesson. Then afterwards, e just encode all the remaining lessons in our handouts.

"Ah sige la, manlog-off kila. Cleaners one to ten, manlinis kila apura yo ta late kilad English yo." - Mr. Peralta. Hahaha!

 I swear, this is a tiring day! Woooooosh :(

 I need some rest. :))


This day, we were so busy with doing flowcharts! As a beginner, we had troubles too, but we can learn from it. (Push lang!)

<=== This is a picture of what we are doing.

-printscreen on our activities
-image from google

That's all. Night everyone :xx
-B H A L D O O O

Week 12 (August 18-August 22): Next, next, next

HELLO BLOGGERS! :) Long time no update huh. Hahaha! ;D


New lesson for this week!!!! And our lesson is all about DIALOG BOXES. A dialog box is a small window that communicates information to the user and prompt them for a response. Types of these are alert box, confirm box and a prompt box. 

We had tackle more of this. At first I got confused, but soon as I was able to cope up, I realized that this is more easier than our last lesson which is variables.

What's up by the way?

Thank for dropping by: Feel free to comment! :)

-printscreen on our activities
-image from google

-B H A L D O O O

Miyerkules, Oktubre 8, 2014

Week 11 (August 11-August 15): Bar-ya-bels...

Working with variables :


As I headed the room,(actually I'm late) I saw my classmates not working on their computer. The chairs were arranged then I realized that its a SUUUUUUUUUUURPRISE QUIIIIIIZ!!! Omg hahaha. I didn't make a review. Then, I immediately took a chair and get my paper.

During the quiz, I was like "Uhhhhhhhm" , "Ahhhhhhh" , "Antulaman?". So i make a "Palaran Palbengan" method and LUCKILY, I able to get a high score. Hahaha. So haaaaapy!


Confusing, and I hate it!
Our teacher talk and we ask. That's what we do for the whole week while discussing this lesson. It's really confusing. But then, still, I was able to finish the exercise and boom! Got the extra points. Yeeeey! But unfortunately, when we had a quiz i wasn't able to finish it! DAAAANG!! That's all :)

-printscreen on our activities
-image from google

-B H A L D O O O

Lunes, Oktubre 6, 2014

Week 10 (August 4-August 8): First Grading Examinations

The day before the exams:

    Many students get scared before the exams, mostly because they are not prepared. Even if they are prepared they get scared. It is one of my fear, but I believe in myself. I know I can do it. (THUMBS UP!)

Examination day:

    As I walk inside the classrooom , I can feel a little bit tension. I close my eyes and confess a small prayer. Now its time to take the exam. 

    The exam was easy, but it's a time pressure exam. So I feel the tension again. Then, Eeeeekkkkkkk! (time ends) I miss 5 question because the time already lapsed. So sad :''( Mr. Peralta checked it and after seeing my score, it feels like I just wanna cry and roll on the floor like a child. My score is not that high as the others. (but not that low as you think) Huehue :3

    I leave the classroom with a little heartbreak with a sad face. It feels like the end of the world. Chos! Kidding. HAHAHAHA That's all for today! 


-printscreen on our activities
-image from google

-B H A L D O O O

Linggo, Oktubre 5, 2014

Week 9 (July 28-August 1): Blog Checking! :xx

Another week has started and we are on our ninth week.

NO CLASSES! Hoooray, lot of class suspensions. It's just like you win the jackpot in a lottery. *Boom pak!* Aaaaaah. So happy! Time to have a handsome rest :P Chos! (parang meron ako nun)  HAHAHAHA. But i know that when classes are back, it will be a stressful world again.


       And yeaaaaah! Checking time of BLOG   mga b3h. Quite nervous and exciting at the same time. I don't know why. LOL. Kinda weird right? hahaha kflyyy :))

      I'm 101% mentally and physically tired after checking all my classmates blogs. It takes 4 hours to read all their blogs (realtalk). Time to have some sleep.

Hooooo! :) Okay. Nightyyy :xx

-image from google

-B H A L D O O O