Sabado, Agosto 2, 2014

Week 8 (July 21-July 24): Hi BESTFRIEND! :D

Meet my bestfriend,

          "Let me introduce to you my bestfriend, JavaScript. My bestfriend since last week. Hahaha
          I'll treat JS as my bestfriend, so i hope he/she will be good to me. "

We started the week by introducing what JavaScript is. And after that, we type and type again. I encountered a lot of errors. And that was so fun! Lol. 

We will be discovering more about you Javascript. So prepare yourself. Bwahahaha *crazy laugh* LOL. haha
~Hello JavaScript World!

'Til next time people! Goodnight :*

-printscreen on our activities
-image from google

- B H A L D O O O

Week 7 (July 15-July 18): We will miss you CSS!!! :'(

Monday: Quiz Day!

Hello Geng! 

At this week, we took our second hands-on quiz. Unfortunately, I've got 20 points out of 110. A heart breaking quiz again, but at least my score improves, (0 to 20) a better score than before. But then, still not happy for the results. Leaving the room with a sad face ;( 

I don't know why CSS is not good to me. CSS please answer me! What did I do wrong, whaaaaat??? Lol hahaha. 

Tuesday: Meet my Bestfriend, JAVASCRIPT :)

After that quiz, we started discussing about Javascript. Just a small introduction. We type and type that day. Typing the codes in our handouts. Such a tiring day it was ! But I know that JavaScript will be good to me. Right JS? hahaha lol

-image(GIF) from google
-image from google
- B H A L D O O O

Week 6 (July 7-July 10): #ICTCleanUpDrive

Monday: Discussion day

The <div> tag serves as a container where you can put other elements, give them color, borders and margins. This tag is also used for absolute positioning of a block of text that separates itself from the other content in then document. It allows you you to create a paragraph style independent of the <p> tag.

As you can see, a class called divStyle is defined. The div element used the style defined by the divStyle class

A style class called paraStyle is defined for the paragraph (p) element.

Wednesday: ICT Clean Up Drive

Such a tiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing day! Hooooo.We swept the waters, mop here mop there, wipe here wipe there, and squeeze here squeeze there. After doing the clean up drive, we did an activity again. And at the third time, I earned another plus points. So happy that day! Yey. Hahaha ;D

-printscreen on our activities
-image from google

- B H A L D O O O